NSW Government - Spring race animation

At the start of the 2022 Spring season in Australia, the NSW Government wanted to reiterate the importance of wearing masks in crowds and public spaces, by creating a short animation focusing on the upcoming horse races season.
The main ask here was for the crowd to highlight diversity and to be wearing masks.

Andrea Franco
Andrea Franco
NSW Government
Hello Social

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For the crowd, I designed over 30 very simple characters to avoid too much repetition in the final creative, but all sharing the same basic structure, composed by head, torso and arms. I then set-up a basic rig that allowed me to roll-out all variations by only replacing body and head pre-comps in the timeline, and changing the colour of arms/sleeves. Below a bts showing the process:

For the horses, I also had to animate a single one and then change colours, offset/retime the animation: 

Lastly, I exported all characters for the crowd + horses animations as png sequences, and used them as textures for planes in C4D.
Below a quick look at the C4D scene I created, composed essentially by a ring spinning, on which I cloned foreground and background elements:

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